OUR DAILY BREAD – a blog for esoteric living

For those who see life as a Mystical Adventure

Archive for gold

Daily Meditation Focus 12SEP2009

The Role of Silence goldthought – “Silence is Golden”

We’ve all heard the saying: Silence is Golden (Speech is Silver) but not many think about that age old axiom. Meditation has been called the “creation in the silence” by many and references to isolation and the removal of exterior influences abound in the meditation texts for over 4,000 years. While the esoteric references to the subject of gold are too numerous to mention in this brief text, a few dovetail nicely for our needs today. We will look at some additional background information pertaining to some intriguing aspects of a few of these references as well.

The first and most widely referenced allegorical golden symbol is the sun, our provider, nourisher and catalyst for creation on Earth. Its constant energetic action is reflected in the mind’s constant awareness, even in sleep and the seemingly never ending internal chatter of thought. We’ve recently touched upon the symbol of the sun as it relates to the chakra system(See Daily Focus Meditation from 9SEP2009). Although seldom documented, the chakra system is closely tied to the endocrine system. Each chakra corresponds to a gland in the body. NOTE: If there is enough interest, I will explore these pineal1relationships in detail at a future time. Additionally, each gland has an affinity or pairing with a specific noble metal, in this case the pineal gland has correspondence with gold as a physical analogue to the esoteric evolution and perfection of consciousness; both the Philosopher’s Stone of the Middle Ages.  As you begin to understand sacred sciences and the unified teaching of Pharaonic Egypt, you will see how our differentiated sciences were once an integrated set of teachings. In short, there are relationships between mathematics, chemistry, music, physics and other disciplines which are not expressed in the modern scientific models for various reasons. Concepts such as shared resonance and harmonic proportion, in this instance there are analogous tendencies in say, the orbitals and vibrational harmonics of the gold atom which correspond to the composition, function, vibrational nature and structure of the pineal gland in a mutually beneficial way. These interactions can effect the spin or state of the gold atoms and conversely, the activity of the pineal gland, which relates to the third eye (see series on Symbol) or mind’s eye (6th chakra); a key component in the meditation act. The fact that the practice of alchemy concerns the transmutation of base elements into gold (see today’s Book Review) is another well known association to this metal that most alive today are aware of. We now have a very basic connection between gold and silence, in the context of meditation and alchemy.

It is in the silence or stillness that one is brought face to face with their own emotions and thoughts. During meditation, we access an inner realm which ceases to exist solely in either physical or non-physical manifest realities, yet shares aspects of both. The union of the above and the below; the higher and lower. I recently heard it said (see Movie Review from today), that the crucifixion scene itself, is a images-1pointer to the mechanics and mysteries of mediation and the Inner tradition. As the Master teacher’s hands were nailed down, or pinned (we also see a veiled astrotheological reference, as the stasis is in space and time as well; A “fixed-point” neither on earth or in the heavens) we see the pointer to stillness and reckoning with the internal. As one sits with themselves and begins to delve into their own being, their own recesses of consciousness and identity, their emotional constructs of the ego, the mediation process begins.

As we learn to slowly push away the constant inner dialog of the ego and begin to bear witness to our own thoughts as they appear and dissolve, we open the inner dialogue with the higher self and the Alchemical Great Work commences. In regards to our journey on the path and seeing the physical experience as a mystical adventure, what is the relationship of silence to consciousness and how does silence aid us in our non-meditative states?

Please feel free to post any comments or feedback regarding this topic or share your meditation experience with our community in the Comments section below.

Book Review – In Pursuit of Gold~Alchemy Today in Theory and Practice

In Pursuit of Gold~Alchemy Today in Theory and Practice – Lapidus  IPG

I purchased this book several years ago during a period of exhaustive research and obsession with alchemy. This book was a limited printing and has become increasingly rare and is relatively costly to acquire. It contains a great deal of information and includes the classical wisdom from the core contributors, back to Artephius.

The text includes at least 4 complete instruction sets on how to make the stone and does reference the white powder. There is a fine assortment of classic alchemical plates in the center binding as well as modern sequences for completing the work and a useful Q&A section in Appendix I.

I must stress that this book is only useful to those with full grasp of symbolic teachings and esoteric interpretation (see series on Symbol). Those attempting to access this book using traditional western thought or a midrash-esque view of alchemical texts will find this work frustrating.

Chapters 3 (The Secret Book) and 12 (Vade Mecum) may be especially useful to those ensconced in alchemical pursuits. A fine collectors piece.

In Pursuit of Gold~Alchemy in Theory and Practice on Amazon