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For those who see life as a Mystical Adventure

Archive for pineal gland

Book Review – The Mind as Healer ~ The New Heresy

The Mind as Healer ~ The New Heresy – Onslow Wilson, Ph.D. and contributing Authors

ThisMhealer2 book was recommended to me, by my long time mentor and Brother in several of the Orders I belong to. It is a collection of essays, reports and presentations from the First Annual Metaphysics Symposium in 1986.

The event was held at the Egyptian Museum in San Jose, California and marks a pivotal transition in Western culture’s attitude towards a mind-body connection. This piece details early references to the role and influence of the Observer, holistic health models, problems inherent to fragmented and reductionist approaches in health care as well as the myriad inconsistencies in pharmaceutically oriented treatments.

There is supportive research on the role of glands and their effectiveness in self healing when stimulated by mediation (pineal, hypothalamus, pituitary) as well as slew of case studies and documented accounts of spontaneous healing by the practitioners who treated the patients.

This piece is an eye-opener.

The Mind as Healer on Amazon

Symbol – The Universal Language – Part III

In Parts I & II of this series we discussed how symbol is experienced in different ways by people at different points of advancement on the path and the nature and methods of how symbol is interpreted in my mind. We touched upon the role of symbol in Pharaonic Egypt and the unfolding of consciousness as one begins to see symbol at work in the world around them. Today we’ll see some examples of how the use and application of symbolist teachings can contribute to a richer life and give insight into sacred and esoteric texts.

Once one has a grasp of symbol and the symbolist teachings that are imparted, it becomes easier to comprehend the messages and teaching contained in symbol and over time, allows for the initiate or student to move much faster. As a simple, somewhat recreational example, a trip to Washington D.C. by any Freemason with knowledge of Masonic and esoteric symbol becomes a truly amazing and eye-opening experience. Which, I can say is not only great fun, but in some ways quite moving. A completely new world is unveiled and it is quite an amazing experience that I do not have words to properly express.

As symbolist teachings become engrained and are active in the mind, one will begin to see the fundamental relationships between not only esoteric texts, but the traditional religious texts and articles of faith left to us by pervious generations as well as previous epochs. In regards to Egypt, a trip to the standing Egyptian Temples becomes a mind-blowing experience. In this case, we find not only a massive archive of hieroglyphic  knowledge condensed in the symbols that adorn the walls and pillars or the structures left from that ancient time but also that the temples are themselves the teachings to be understood by current initiates. The harmonic proportions, sacred geometries and number theory contained in the actual structures begin to speak and impart knowledge to the prepared mind. Even one temporally removed by 4,000 years can still reap the benefits of the esoteric tradition today (see intro video on Magical egypt). In the case of the Temple at Luxor, the teachings reveal the nature of the human body expressed in the temple itself. In oldest part of the structure, the Holy of Holies, we find the center of the brain and the pineal gland (third eye). As you move from the top to the bottom of the temple, you are guided through the entire human physiology ending at the bottom, or feet of a human structure. From the esoteric lunar influence of tides in relationship to respiration to the semi-incomplete interconnected carvings on the opposing faces of a granite wall representing thought traversing the mind as they create a complete picture when superimposed. The experience is unlike any other.

As we look at disparate cultures and how symbol can still be relevant, I am reminded of a story of Alexander the Great. Alexander of Macedon conquered most of the known world during his lifetime and was himself an initiate of the Egyptian Mystery Schools. As he ventured across the eastern continents, we was known to take part in the religious worship of the peoples he conquered. He saw the fundamental truths and symbolic equalities in the religious allegory and rituals and could interpret those teachings within a common framework that transcended difference and religious fervor.

A serious student of symbolist teaching will eventually be confronted with the religious texts of the modern world. At this point, the texts loose all semblance of historical and chronological validity and the initiate sees and begins to understand the greater truths exposed to them. The expression of principles and laws, universal truths and allegorical interpretation lay in full view of the initiate and a completely new text appears. As these texts are experienced in a symbolic way, a deeper respect is often found and in many ways, an entirely new history is experienced.

This concludes our brief introduction to symbol and symbolic language. If there is continued interest by the readers of this blog, I will go into further detail on this subject. I hope you enjoyed this piece and I wish you well on your adventure ahead.

Symbol – The Universal Language – Part I

Symbol – The Universal Language – Part II