OUR DAILY BREAD – a blog for esoteric living

For those who see life as a Mystical Adventure

Archive for ego

Daily Meditation Focus 16SEP2009

Unity and Separation unity

We all have our relationships in life that play out in various ways. Our bankers handle our funds, dentists clean and repair our teeth, family members and friends support our well being etc. In the western world we live in a mode of separation.. church and state, employer and employee, science and spirituality. As the scientific method and industry evolved into what they are today, the notions of compartmentalization and reductionism began to infiltrate our way of thought. In a sense, these divisionary concepts are our models of how we view the world around us, when the fundamental truth is quite opposite.

While our social structure has been hierarchical for some time, our mode of thought has not. When we see ourselves as separate from everything and everyone around us, we limit ourselves greatly and perpetuate a constant internal state of conflict. Although there are times when we want to reach out, to express ourselves and really connect with others, we often times don’t because of these constructed divisions. We create excuses (illusions)…that person is too ______ or I am not _______ enough. Where exactly do you think these thoughts are coming from?

As one begins to see the similarities, the patterns, principles and universal laws that exist in the world around us, it starts to become clear that everything is related. Shared existence is intrinsic to the entire fabric of reality..not separation. As Above, so Below.. or as Within, so Without. Things in the world are not separate.. we perceive them to be, so it appears to us as that they are. This is a very simple concept yet is causes a life of anguish and suffering for so very many people. Separation is the child of ego and while you and I seem worlds apart, we are not. We are limited and separated by our egos, not by our true selves. In regards to our journey on the path and seeing the physical experience as a mystical adventure, what is the relationship of unity to meditation and how do we overcome separation at all levels?

Please feel free to post any comments or feedback regarding this topic or share your meditation experience with our community in the Comments section below.

In regards to our journey on the path and seeing the physical experience as a mystical adventure, what roles do the standing temples and pyramids, left by the ancients, play in our present day Mystery Schools and what lessons are to be learned from them?
Please feel free to post any comments or feedback regarding this topic or share your meditation experience with our community in the Comments section below.

Daily Meditation Focus 14SEP2009

Acceptance acceptance

We interact with many people in the course of a day or week and see the many roles and actions associated with those around us.. people working, shopping, playing, crying, praying or just enjoying time on a park bench.

We experience life more fully, not by our actions but through our perceptions of what we are experiencing. I’ve seen the quote: We are not humans doing, we are humans being”. While that may be humorous or simply amusing, there is great truth in it.

We experience suffering when we create conflict between the world out “there” and what we experience internally. We exist here to experience life… from the slightest breeze to the most violent earthquakes. Instead of just accepting the experience we sometimes bring the outside, “inside” and we begin to craft a story about ourselves, which is totally imagined..always. Did you catch that? Apparently not…and that’s the point. Instead of partaking in the moments and allowing the message and wisdom that abounds in every act of nature, to teach and  enlighten us, we were busily engrossed in creating our own illusory storyline.

We create an illusion to satisfy the ego even though it does nothing for us. As we invest energy in these illusory connections, these attachments, we diminish our power and create another anchor that will need to be hoisted later. In regards to our journey on the path and seeing the physical experience as a mystical adventure, how does acceptance relate to compassion and why do our attachments degrade our interpersonal relationships?

Please feel free to post any comments or feedback regarding this topic or share your meditation experience with our community in the Comments section below.